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Bribery demands have emerged as a significant barrier for American investors looking to establish businesses in Kenya, according to the 2024 Biennial Report on the Implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act by the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

The report detailed complaints from U.S. firms about being asked for bribes when conducting business in Kenya. These demands have led to American investors losing out to competitors from other countries. Additionally, some investors reported being asked to contravene the law, further complicating their ability to do business in the country.

Despite these challenges, the specific firms and individuals affected by the bribery demands were not disclosed. “Despite progress, corruption remains one of the most significant barriers to doing business in Kenya, with U.S. firms reporting that they find it difficult to compete with companies willing to ignore legal standards or engage in bribery and other forms of corruption,” the report stated.

Kenya ranked 126 out of 180 countries in Transparency International’s 2023 Corruption Perception Index. However, the report acknowledged that Kenya is making strides in combating corruption, with cases being filed against government officials and anticorruption agencies coordinating more effectively.

“The GOK continues its public campaign to combat corruption and its anticorruption agencies appear to be coordinating more effectively, including bringing cases against government officials,” the report noted.

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