  • getufmradio
  • getufmradio

Port operations at Shimanzi Terminus in Mombasa have been paralyzed for over two weeks due to an ongoing strike by more than 6,000 warehouse loaders protesting a reduction in their wages.

The workers are opposing their employer’s decision to lower the payment for loading 50-kilogram sacks from Ksh10 to Ksh7.5 and 90-kilogram sacks from Ksh20 to Ksh15.

Beyond the pay cut, the loaders have also decried harassment and frustration from their employers, accusing them of ignoring their concerns.

The workers argue that the wage reduction has severely impacted their livelihoods, making it difficult for them to meet basic needs. They further attribute the crisis to the infiltration of brokers, whom they blame for distorting the industry’s wage structure.

With no resolution in sight, the strike continues to cripple port activities, raising concerns over prolonged disruptions in cargo handling at one of the country’s key logistics hubs.

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